Hi, it’s Tiron from Newcastle Buyers Agent. I’d love you to check out these videos of my referral partners. If you’ve got any questions, please check out the comments below.
I’m Wade Spink from Extra Spark Electrical. I specialise in electrical pre-purchase inspections for people when they’re buying a property.
An electrical inspection picks up on problems that may present themselves in the future. In an electrical inspection, we also look at the power coming into the house to see if it’s sufficient to any upgrades you might want to do. If you’re looking at a property and it doesn’t have air con and you want to install air conditioning, the system has to be brought up to scratch, the power lines coming into the house from the street may need to be increased. The price of the air conditioning now may be up around $4,500 so to speak.
I started doing the electrical inspections about four years ago because some of the conditions of the electrical that I’d seen on houses I was working on, I was finding electrical work had been done by unqualified people.
Occasionally, we find houses that need to be rewired. This could be due to infinity cable which has been recalled recently or it could be because of the old metal conduit and VIR cabling. The average cost to rewire a house could be anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.
The small investment of an electrical inspection report could save you a lot of money down the track for repairs, rectification work and rewiring of the property. An electrical inspection will put your mind at ease. You know the condition of the electrical and you’ll know exactly what you’re going to get when you purchase the property.